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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Last Updated: 12th Feb 2024


In order to provide a service of the highest standard, I, as the data controller of FT Psychology Services Ltd, may hold certain data given by clients. This privacy policy outlines the way I handle this data appropriately and securely as defined by General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).


1. Information I Collect and Process:


I currently collect and process your personal information, such as your name, email address, telephone number, name and address of your GP, and personal history, including relevant medical history. All payments are made by bank transfer into the business bank account, and therefore, no card details are obtained.


I collect this information directly from you and your referrer to deliver efficient, safe, and ethical psychological therapy practice. I ensure that only the minimum data necessary to provide my service is acquired. Under GDPR, "Legitimate Interest" is the lawful basis upon which I rely for processing this information.


2. How I Use Your Information:


I use your personal information to provide therapy services, schedule appointments, and communicate with you about your therapy sessions. I keep records of your personal details securely on WriteUpp Practice Management Software and do not share them with any third party.


3. Confidentiality and Exceptions:


All information gathered remains confidential, and I will not share it with any third party unless there is concern of significant harm to you or another individual, for clinical supervision purposes using non-identifiable data, disclosure of a concerning act, or when therapist notes are called upon by a court of law.


4. Initial Contact:


When you contact me with an enquiry about my psychology services, I collect information to help me satisfy your enquiry. This includes your full name, email address, phone number, and brief details relating to the support you are requesting. If you decide not to proceed, I will ensure all your personal data is deleted within 30 days.


5. Data Retention:


I keep a record of your personal details and session notes securely on WriteUpp Practice Management Software during therapy or coaching. After our work has ended, your records will be kept for 7 years from the end of our contact with each other and then securely destroyed.


6. Your Rights:


You have the right to view the information I hold about you, request changes, object to processing and holding your data, and withdraw consent. Please contact me if you wish to make such a request.


7. Data Security:


I take the security of the data I hold about you very seriously. I use WriteUpp Practice Management Software, which is ISO27001 certified and GDPR compliant, ensuring security and data protection.


8. How to Complain:


If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice or how your data is used, please contact me. I am happy to discuss through any questions you might have about my data protection policy and you can contact me via


I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office: Reference: ZA822976. 

My company registration number is 14861483. 

My postal address is: Suite 5, 5th Floor, City Reach, 5 Greenwich View Place, London, E14 9NN. 

My phone number is: 01234 965400. 

My email address is:


 If not satisfied, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

0303 123 1113

ICO Website



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